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The Perfect Trifecta: CX, Marketing and Customer Success

Hey there, CX pals!

Lately, there’s been a bit of a mix-up in the world of Marketing, Customer Experience (CX), and Customer Success, hasn’t there? It seems like every time we turn around, companies are jumbling up who does what, a bit like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.

Sure, we’ve got our specialists – think customer research gurus, CX architects, and those ever-so-clever CX engineers, each with their own set of superpowers.

But beneath those fancy titles and specific tasks lies a common ground that ties Marketing, CX, and Customer Success together, while also setting them apart.

Let's face it, blending these roles without recognizing their unique flavours is kind of like saying, 'Hey, my cousin codes, so he can totally fix your computer, right?' It's a well-intentioned thought but misses the mark on the expertise required for each area.

So, grab your favourite snack, and let’s chat about what makes each of these realms distinct yet harmoniously connected. It’s time to untangle the web of customer interactions with a friendly deep-dive into the heart of CX, Marketing, and Customer Success.

Ready to jump in?

Establishing the Connection: Why Cohesion is Essential

Cohesion among marketing, Cx, and customer success is essential for delivering consistent messages, optimizing customer journeys, and ensuring satisfaction and loyalty.

It enables organizations to leverage insights across departments, ensuring decisions are informed by a comprehensive understanding of the customer's needs and experiences.

This alignment is the bedrock of a sustainable competitive advantage, driving both customer satisfaction and business success.


Marketing, Cx, and Customer Success:

A Comparative Overview

Marketing - The brand storytellers - is the engine that drives awareness and interest in a brand's products or services. Its primary goal is to attract and engage potential customers, converting interest into leads and sales.

Marketing strategies encompass a broad range of activities, including advertising, content creation, social media engagement, and email campaigns. The focus is on communicating the brand's value proposition and differentiators to stimulate demand and build a strong market presence.

Unique in its focus on market positioning, brand building, and demand generation. It's the first touchpoint in the customer's journey, laying the groundwork for the customer relationship.

Customer Experience (Cx) - the VoC advocates - refers to the perception a customer has of a brand across all interactions and touchpoints throughout the customer journey. It's a holistic consideration of how customers engage with the brand, from initial awareness through purchasing and beyond.

Cx aims to create seamless, positive experiences that meet or exceed customer expectations, thereby fostering loyalty and advocacy. This involves designing and optimizing every aspect of the customer's interaction with the company, including product quality, customer service, the ease of use of digital platforms, and the physical or online shopping environment.

Distinguished by its broad, holistic view of the customer's interaction with the brand. It's unique in its emphasis on the quality and seamlessness of the entire customer journey.

Customer Success - the navigators or guides - those who work on ensuring customers achieve their desired outcomes while using the product or service. It's a strategic, ongoing process that goes beyond reactive support to proactively guide and assist customers in realizing the full value of their purchase.

Customer success is particularly crucial in subscription-based and service-oriented businesses, where ongoing satisfaction directly impacts retention and revenue growth.

The role involves understanding customer goals, providing tailored advice, and offering solutions and enhancements to improve customer satisfaction and foster long-term relationships.

Stands out for its proactive, strategic approach to ensuring customers achieve their goals. It's relationship-driven, focusing on long-term customer engagement and success.


Similarities and Differences

In this section, we'll dive into the similarities and differences of these crucial roles in Marketing, Customer Experience (CX), and Customer Success.

We'll explore their daily routines, the unique vibes they bring to the table, and how they all contribute to the recipe for business success.

It's like getting to know three close friends and understanding what makes each of them unique.

So, grab a comfy seat and let's get started!



  1. Customer Focus: All three roles prioritize the customer, aiming to satisfy their needs, solve their problems, and enhance their engagement with the brand.

  2. Data-Driven Decision Making: Utilizing insights from customer data to inform strategies and improve outcomes is central to CX, Marketing, and Customer Success.

  3. Contribution to Business Growth: Through various means, each function contributes to attracting, retaining, and expanding the customer base, thereby driving revenue and growth.





Customer Success

Scope and Focus

Attracting and engaging customers

Quality of all customer interactions

Ensures customers achieve their desired outcomes

Engagement Timing

Engages customers before the sale

Concerned with the entire customer lifecycle

Primarily post-purchase

Success Metrics

Leads, conversions, and ROI

Satisfaction, loyalty, and overall experience quality

Retention, customer health scores, and expansion revenue.


Daily Routines Explained

Let's dive deeper to make it even more evident.


Customer Experience (CX)

Customer Success

Daily Implication

Marketers are focused on creating and managing campaigns, analyzing performance data, and adjusting strategies to optimize reach and engagement.

A CX professional spends their day deep in customer data, working on projects to refine the customer journey, and collaborating across departments to implement experience enhancements.

Customer Success Managers (CSMs) spend their days in direct communication with customers, providing support, gathering feedback, and working on strategies to enhance customer health and retention.

  • How their days look like

Campaign Planning and Execution: Developing and launching marketing campaigns across various channels to attract and engage target audiences.

Content Creation and Management: Producing and distributing content that educates, entertains, and informs potential and existing customers.

Market Research and Analysis: Conducting research to understand market trends, customer needs, and the competitive landscape to inform strategy.

Mapping and Analyzing the Customer Journey: Identifying all touchpoints and evaluating the quality of interactions to ensure a seamless experience.

Designing and Implementing Improvements: Based on customer feedback and data, refining processes, policies, and interactions to enhance satisfaction.

Cross-Functional Collaboration: Working with product, marketing, sales, and customer support teams to align efforts and ensure a consistent customer experience.

Onboarding and Training: Guiding new customers through the onboarding process, ensuring they understand and can effectively use the product or service.

Account Management: Regularly checking in with customers, addressing their concerns, and helping them maximize the value from their purchase.

Advocacy and Expansion: Identifying opportunities for upselling, cross-selling, and encouraging satisfied customers to become brand advocates.

Aligning marketing, customer experience, and customer success is not just beneficial; it's essential for thriving in today's market.

This strategic alignment ensures that every customer interaction is an opportunity to build deeper relationships, enhance brand loyalty, and drive sustainable growth. By understanding and integrating the roles of each component, businesses can create a cohesive, customer-centric approach that delivers remarkable experiences and fosters long-term success.


Adding Customer Support to the Mix

And then, there are my favourite underdogs—Customer Support.

Ah, the unsung heroes standing bravely on the front lines, armed with patience and empathy, tackling every issue that comes their way.

They're the proactive problem-solvers, dodging bullets of confusion and frustration, all while gracefully shouldering the blame and rage for mishaps originating far beyond their control. Every challenge that spirals through other departments somehow finds its way to their desk, yet they face each day with unwavering resolve.

Their role? Absolutely crucial in more ways than one might imagine. These champions of customer care are not just about putting out fires; they're about preventing them before they even spark. By teaming up with Customer Support, you're not just solving problems—you're taking a significant step towards elevating your customer experiences to new heights. So, let's give it up for these gallant guardians of satisfaction. Collaborating with them isn't just beneficial; it's the best move you can make for your customers.

The Role of Customer Support

Customer Support serves as the frontline for addressing customer inquiries, issues, and concerns. This role is crucial for maintaining customer satisfaction and loyalty by providing timely and effective solutions to problems. Unlike Customer Success, which proactively works with customers to ensure they achieve their desired outcomes, Customer Support typically reacts to immediate needs and challenges faced by customers.

Daily Routine and Impact

Customer Support professionals spend their day addressing a wide range of customer issues, from technical problems to billing questions. This involves not just problem-solving but also educating customers on how to use products or services more effectively. The data gathered from these interactions is gold for improving products, tailoring communications, and identifying trends that could affect customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Enhancing Collaboration for a Unified Customer Journey

Incorporating Customer Support into the strategic alignment of Marketing, CX, and Customer Success ensures a more holistic approach to the customer journey. Each function benefits from shared insights, leading to more informed decisions and a unified effort to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. For example, marketing can use support insights to craft more resonant messages, while CX can refine the customer journey based on common issues encountered. Similarly, Customer Success can leverage support data to proactively address potential challenges, ensuring a smoother customer experience.


Wrapping up

As we've journeyed through the intricate world of Marketing, Customer Experience (CX), and Customer Success, it's clear that the role of a CX Architect, like myself, is far from straightforward. Navigating through the mix-up of roles and responsibilities, we've seen how crucial it is to appreciate the distinct yet interconnected realms each specialist inhabits.

From the strategic foresight of Marketing to the empathetic engagements of Customer Success and the design finesse of CX, each discipline contributes uniquely to the overarching goal of delivering exceptional customer experiences.

For those of you eager to uncover more about the day-to-day intricacies and the behind-the-scenes magic that defines a CX Architect's role, keep an eye out for upcoming articles. We'll peel back the layers of our CX toolkit, share challenges, celebrate successes, and provide a closer look at how we turn data into actionable strategies that resonate with customers and drive the business forward.

Thank you for joining me on this enlightening exploration. The journey of a CX Architect is continuous, evolving with each customer interaction and technological advancement. Together, let's keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible in creating exceptional customer experiences that not only meet expectations but also set new benchmarks for satisfaction and loyalty. Stay tuned for more insights into the fascinating world of CX, where every detail matters, and every moment counts.


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